CAI Learning con el baloncesto amateur
Posted by CAILEARNING on Dic 27, 2017 in Noticias | 0 comments El polideportivo Esther San Miguel de la capital burgalesa será el escenario de la XXII edición del Torneo de Baloncesto Reyes 2018, que organiza mi buen amigo Casi González ( K-SI ). Las semifinales se celebrarán el Miércoles , 3 de Enero , a partir de las 17h. La gran final será el jueves , 4 de Enero , a las 18.30 . Antes de la final tendrá lugar el tradicional partido de more
Feliz… Merry…Joyeux…Fröhliche…!!
Posted by CAILEARNING on Dic 23, 2017 in Noticias | 0 comments Desde hoy Sábado y hasta el próximo 8 de Enero , nos hemos tomado todos en la academia …unas merecidas vacaciones .read more
Protegido: Modal verbs for possibility, probability and certainty
Posted by CAILEARNING on Dic 5, 2017 in Exercises CAE, Plataforma Digital | Escribe tu contraseña para ver los more
FCE for Schools exam
Posted by CAILEARNING on Dic 1, 2017 in Noticias | 0 comments Three pupils from our academy are taking the official exam for FCE tomorrow , on 2nd December. At 8.30 a.m. they start the written part ( Reading and use of English , Listening and Writing ) and then in the afternoon they are sitting the Speaking exam. They have worked hard since 18th September and hope to get the certificate at B2 level. Sure …they will !! Good luck! more